I have noticed many of my students are quite uncomfortable reading aloud. Additionally, when reading with my students in a one-on-one setting, many are seemingly unfamiliar with common sight words. Words such as “because” and “for” are often skipped over. The first time I read aloud with a student and they struggled over such words, I thought is was perhaps nerves or an individual challenge with reading. However, I have heard nearly every student read in some capacity, and this issue is quite widespread.
The students who attended Jackie Robinson for second grade were in a rather inconsistent learning environment, as several teachers and long-term substitutes came in and out of their class. I believe that such an environment may have been distracting for some students learning, especially for those who were still struggling with reading after completing first grade. Additionally, my students have been testing these past few weeks to determine their lexical levels and reading fluency. Based on the significantly below grade-level scores assigned to the majority of the students, I know this year will be challenging when it comes to creating literacy lessons that challenge without overwhelming those who are struggling.
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