Friday, December 7, 2012

Ricchio Week 14

This week in Math we are working ballpark estimates. We want students to understand how to round numbers either up or down. We introduced students to the rules of rounding. If a number in the ones place is 5 or greater, then round up to the nearest tens place. If the number is 0-4 then you round down. While most students are liking this concept because it is "easier", many are still completely solving for the exact answer. I think it's hard for them to change their thinking when they are always being asked for the "correct" answer. Although the answer is correct, this is not what the problems are asking for. The purpose is so that students get comfortable estimating, which is a skill they will use the rest of their lives (grocery shopping, restaurants, etc) . A way to further their understanding would be actually showing students the importance, so they want to use estimation. If they understand how estimation gets them closer to the exact answer, they will begin using it as a strategy.

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