Tuesday, December 4, 2012

week 14

Today I noticed one of my students having difficulties looking for a pattern in blocks. Although the pattern was pretty basic, it added one column each time to the right side that was two blocks more than the previous column. This student has been doing exceptionally well with patterns and was impressing myself and my mentor as we never had to put him in a low group.

Yet, when it came time for his quick check today, he acted like he had no idea what so ever on how to complete the pattern. At first I was frustrated because this student likes to be lazy and not do everything he is told. However, as I kept explaining the steps and going through labeling with him, I realized that he was able to see when there were multiples of a number or if the pattern involved multiplying numbers. This student could not look at the table and notice and obvious pattern, he had to look at the pictures and slowly go through each part in order to find the pattern. This surprised me that he was more comfortable with the models/examples that had multiples as he did not do too well when we went over pattern of multiples.

I am interested to see this students goal binder tomorrow when he brings it back from home to see if he was practicing patterns of multiples after he realized he was not performing well. I think it would be very interesting to see if he could solve an extension involving multiples since he seems to be quick with those patterns now, however, he will need more instruction when it comes to other patterns.

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