Thursday, October 4, 2012



  1. First picture
    -I can compose opinion piece that tells the reader what my favorite part of the book was.
    -I can supply information about the topic (problem)
    -I can write my name using punctuation (capital letter for F)
    -I can use both lower case and upper case letters in my name.
    -I can write from left to right, top to bottom

    Second Picture
    -I can supply information about the topic (setting, character, problem and solution)
    -I can recall information from a text
    -I can figure out what the setting, problem, character and solution are
    -I can write my name
    -I can draw with details (body parts-teeth ears, hair, 2 legs, a neck, arms, etc)

  2. I also noticed in the first picture that the student labeled the boy with a D (his name was David in the story..David Gets In Trouble), she labeled C for cat as well. This is something that we have been working on with the students. So this student can also identify the first letter/sound in David and Cat.

    For the second picture, I would focus on having this student label their pictures as the student did in the first picture.
