This week we taught two things in math that were brand new for the students. We talked about name collection boxes and frames and arrows. The students really impressed me when coming up with different names for numbers. For example, in the math message, students were to come up with different names for 10. Students were coming up with ideas such as various subtraction problems and addition problems, the word ten, ten ice cream cones, ten tally marks, and the roman numeral for ten. All of the different ideas seemed to help the students see the relationship between addition and subtraction, since we have been easing into subtraction. The students would see that 30-20 equals 10 and 9 + 1 equals 10, the answer is still 10, but they are opposite operations. When students were assessed on this concept, they did extremely well!
With the frames and arrows lesson, students really understood when the rule was adding. The part that students did not grasp as easily was when it would look like _ 24 _ _ _. And the Rule was -6. So for the first blank, the student would need to add 6, so that going right the numbers decrease by 6. To help students with this, I had them do all of the blanks after 24 and then use those numbers as clues to find out what the blank before 24 was. On the assessment, there was a problem that was _ 20 _ _ _ and the rule was -2. I think this really seemed to help students because on their assessment, some students wrote out the work for numbers after the 20 and had the 22 correct as well.
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