Thursday, October 4, 2012

Van Poperin Student Writing Samples- Kindergarten



  1. The first thing that both of these kindergarteners can do is pay attention to and follow the given directions. This assignment, given during writers' workshop, was to draw a picture of a story and try their best to stretch out and sound out words.

    Next, both of these students display foundational understanding of phonics, the knowledge that letters all have sounds and when combined, they make up words. Ada sounded out "snowman," "kids," and "play." Ashley's story was about going to the circus, and while most of her writing shows invented spelling, she told me that she knew the word "circus" started with a "c."

    Both of these students can effectively use the correct directionality of writing- they were writing like they read, from left to right.

    Both of these students can use a combination of of drawing and writing to compose a writing piece.

    Both of these students can write their first names.

  2. Next, for both of these students I would talk about really stretching out their words even more, trying to hear individual sounds in each word. I would talk with Ashely specifically about using our alphabet strip to remind her the shape and formation of the letters in her words.

    I would talk to Ada about writing conventions, such as two finger spaces between words.
