This sample of student work shows me where this transfer student's math knowledge level is and where her knowledge gaps are. She was inconsistent in completing some of the boxes correctly, specifically in the middle boxes. The middle left box asks students to round the given number to the nearest thousand, which she is on the right track with the first 3 numbers then is on the wrong track for the last 2. To further her understanding of rounding I would ask for her thought process for completing this box then give her other numbers to round to different place values, which would also help fill in her knowledge gaps. The middle right box asks students to write equivalent decimals, which she was able to do for the first three, but it appears she miswrote the fourth answer. To further her understanding I would have her explain how she arrived at each of her answers.
This student also struggled to complete the bottom right box that asked students to draw the rest of a square and the rest of a trapezoid, but the directions were not completely clear to most people in the class. To better gauge this student's knowledge gap of the information asked about in this box, I would ask this student to reread the question and explain to me what it is asking her to do. To further her thinking I would ask her if there is more than one way to draw the shapes the directions asked for.
You might also think about giving the students a chance to compare their work; this might help clarify things for both the place value and trapezoid problem. You could then circulate in the room and monitor how students are thinking about the worksheet together, and if they are revising their thinking. This process of revising thinking is key.