Thursday, October 4, 2012

Student Writing Samples-Maria Ricchio

5 "Can do" Statements for Student 1: 
1. Understands the assignment
2. Words are clear
3. For the most part, letters are in comprehensive places
4. Student appears to be able to sound out words
5. Student is able to Recall information from experiences(Standard 2.W.8)


  1. 5 things student 1 can do are:
    1. can spell words phonetically.
    2. can use capitalization.
    3. can describe their own ideas.
    4. can produce words that make a sentence make sense.
    5. can use words and language acquired through conversations.

  2. Students can describe their own ideas. I would like to further this student's ideas by allowing them to edit and revise their own work with the support of their peers and by the teacher. (2.W.5)
